ICARA word cloud


ICARA is the International Confederation of Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drug (ATOD) Research Associations. It is an umbrella organisation for research societies across the globe concerned about alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and behavioural addictions. It is an international, nongovernmental, multidisciplinary and civil society organization bringing together research societies to promote ATOD science through professional exchange, collaboration and action. The mission of ICARA is to create an international network of research societies in order to promote, support and enhance research on alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, nationally and internationally. View all events


Seeking new members

Our members are from 6 continents and represent 20 organisations that have thousands of members. We are keen to further develop our membership and to

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Contact Us:

For further information, please contact:

Andrea Mohan at amohan001@dundee.ac.uk

Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ICARA_Global